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The stampings volume material adverse phenomenon

FROM:Shenzhen FKH plastic metals Co., LTDLOOK:1684DATE:2012/12/15

Common stampings volume material adverse phenomenon mainly the following aspects:

1, the steel sheet surface or internal contaminant, foreign flaking, the volume material was scars the same state;

Scratches (roller surface or different substances cause), corners (20 ~ 30mm) occur due to stress uneven deformation or crinkling the corners of the volumes expected damage;

Roller sliding caused by foreign matter into the back of the roll material pressure drum kits (foreign body fall then disappear);

4, edge and irregular damage, beyond the rules outside material adverse;

5, the roller traces (caused by the adhesion of foreign matter on the rollers), caused by foreign bodies produce significant surface depth grooves.

After actual use that to scratches (roller sub surface or isobutyl substance caused), foreign matter into the back of the roll material pressed out drum package (foreign matter fall down the disappear) and roller marks (foreign matter adhered on the rollers caused) is in use favorite problems. The solution is simple, is direct foreign body disappear.


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